Emilia was born 16 weeks ago from today. Her corrected age is 12 days. She is doing really well. Gaining healthy weight each day, breastfeeding, and still on low flow oxygen. We tried her off low flow a few days ago and put it back on her only after 30 minutes because she started to desat.
Feeding-wise, she's doing well, but she's not pooing for some reason. She eats so much but not pooing so I am concerned (where could it all go???) but the doctors and nurses all assure me this does happen and her tummy seems fine.
Her ROP eye exam result was still the same as the last exam. It's moderate and stable so it's a good news.
She now weighs 3.86Kg (8.5lb). Emilia truly has come a long way, from being less than 2 lb at birth. Her head circumference is 37cm and length 52cm. Overall, she's still not reached the average but she's growing at a nice rate. The way the NICU doctors and dietician would put it, "she is plotting well on the growth chart". She's got pudgy thighs, arms, hands, and feet. She is so chubby especially her cheeks.
The Chest Team from Sick Kids came to assess Emilia's oxygen requirements. They have reviewed all the history of her respiratory requirements and progress since her birth. They will review X-rays and other things and assess whether she should be sent home with O2 or not. I hope they decide to wean it before her discharge. I feel so frustrated that everybody tells me Emilia WILL go home with oxygen. I feel so alone, being the only person believing that she will do well without O2 by the time she goes home. I don't want her to be hooked up to an oxygen tank and a monitor until she's 3-6 months old because I really want her to develop as normally as possible. What mom would not want to be able to just pick up her baby and walk around the house, to the kitchen or the laundry room, or to answer the phone or the door bell... I hate the idea of my baby being attached to a tank and having to be confined in her crib or her room. I am really interested in what SickKids team will say about it.
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