Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Peeling skin on soles of feet

It's already been more than 15 days since she got over the Hand Foot and Mouth Disease but I still notice her toes and heel area skin peeling. I think what she has is small white-ish/clear colour blisters that eventually burst and peel. I don't see too many of these blisters though. Mostly all I see is peeled skin around her toes (soles). I feel nervous: I think she completely recovered from HFMD but is she still contagious? We've been playing at the Early Years Centre and the day care centre she will be attending starting September. Hopefully she's not contagious because I haven't kept socks on her feet due to the extremely hot weather in Toronto.

Crawling - recent development

Emilia is able to crawl a bit faster these days. Her crawling is getting better and faster each day. She is much faster when there is an object lying on the floor that she really wants to get her hands on (and usuaully it's something she is not supposed to have).

These days she doesn't play with toys much. For the better part of the day, she just roams around the whole floor, including the kitchen where she tries to pull out the drawers if she can reach the knobs. Luckily for me, the drawers are still too heavy for her to pull out. She loves the dishwasher and the wall oven, I guess, because they are shiny and she sees a distored and blurry reflection of herself, which must be quite interesting for her.