Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Walking, talking, and more

Emilia can walk quite well now. I think she's finally ready to move to the Toddler Room at the day care. The day care teacher told me that Emilia was acting like a little baby to get attention and also she was imitating what the younger babies were doing. She definitely has more confidence in walking now, although she still falls often.

The biggest development in the past week is that she finally started repeating the sounds after me when I teach her words. The first was "mommy" - she said "mammy". And then when I showed her a banana and said "banana", she said "nana."

The words that she says and KNOWS the meaning of:
nana - banana
peesh - fish
aah da - all done
hi - hi

She continues to talk in an alien language but she picked up 3 new words in 3 days of time so I am very hopeful.