Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Changing bum (and a silent bomb)

Emilia making a lot of fuss while Mom is changing bum.
She's still so gassy - very skunky!!!! Definitely an old man fart!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Emilia is now 4 months old (3 weeks corrected)

Really...? It's been 4 months already. One third of my mat leave gone...

Any way she weighs over 9 lbs now. To be precise she is 4.1kg.
Today the Parent Resource Nurse told me she should get some tummy time now along with other play/exercise time each day. We put her on her tummy and, to my excitement, she was able to maintain her head up and turn her head in both directions. Now she needs up to 20 minutes of exercise time everyday.

Monday we will assess her status and decide on her care plan. They were talking about sending her to Level II again which I do not like too much.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Emilia is 17 weeks old

Emilia is 17 weeks old actual and 19 days old of corrected age. She has grown really nicely. Head circumference 37cm, length 53cm, and weight 4035g. Yes, she has hit 4 Kg! She has finally caught up with the average size in head, length and weight. In fact, she is somewhere around 60th percentile, which is a big big improvement from 10th percentile.

Her blood test yesterday showed really good results, meaning we can keep giving her breastmilk only, without any human milk fortifier. Her billirubin level was good too.

Her ROP eye exam showed that her condition is stable and improving, which is a good news.

Today she had her 4 month immunization shots. Yep, already.

Monday, September 26, 2011


She's back on low flow oxygen.... Yep, disappointing but what can I do... She will let us know when she's ready. We can't force her to breathe when she needs to have more oxygen than what's already in the air. Just a miniscule amount of oxygen, but she needs that "whiff".

Realistically she won't be coming home this month. In fact we will spend Thanksgiving in the NICU for sure. I will be happy if she comes home before Halloween.

She's almost 4kg (3.98Kg to be exact). She is more alert these days. She enjoys bath now. Does not cry and does not look too nervous any more during a bath. She doesn't like being weighed though. Must be because of being stripped naked, lifted and moved on to the hard surface of the scale.

Below is just Mommy's whining... if you don't want to see me whine and whine about the same thing, stop reading:
I didn't expect her hospitalization to be this long. It's really exhausting now. Who knew the end of this journey, not the beginning, would be the most difficult time? It feels like I will forever be on a hamster wheel, getting nowhere, running and running until I drop dead with exhaustion. I am trying my best to provide Emilia with all the normal, natural developmental care - bath, musical mobile, music box, visual stimulation, singing, cuddling, talking... but it's so hard to do all the normal things in the hospital. She's already 17 days old corrected. Soon she will be 1 month old. Am I giving her all the things she needs in order to become a normal 1 month old baby? This is what worries me now.

Emilia falling asleep after eating. I tried to bundle her but I know, I am a lousy bundler. I can never bundle her in a nice secure way.

Sunday, September 25, 2011