Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Progress on walking

Emilia suddenly started walking a lot more than before. The day care also told me that she was walking all day long today.

 (By the way, at 0:24, that is her blowing a kiss)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas and other photos

I know it's been almost a month since Christmas, but....

16 months update

Well, I cannot believe I didn't write anything for 2 months. I should have at least posted some Christmas photos, but life at home is getting busier and busier as Emilia becomes more mobile.
She had bouts of cold and last week she got roseola, which gave her a high fever for several days and then rashes when the fever was gone. Between me and my husband, we had to miss work for 4 days in total. Having to excuse myself from work AND staying home with an ill child - not excting at all....

Emilia started walking few steps at a time in November and eventually few steps became 10, and then 20, depending on her mood. Well, she is still not 100% walking, but she "chooses" to walk rather than crawl a lot of times and that's a good sign. She seems to acquire new skills everyday. The day care is planning to move her to the toddler room pretty soon. I think as soon as she can walk with more confidence, she will move to the toddler room.

Speech/language-wise, she is talking constantly but in a language only she can understand. However, today she greeted her daddy with "hi". She also said "hi" on the phone to her grandpa. How exciting! I guess this is what parents are - becoming so thrilled about every little thing their child learns and does.

And last, but not least, I am blessed that Emilia is still a great eater. I have never seen a toddler who loves eating this much.