Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Emilia finally learns to crawl

On Sunday morning, all of a sudden, Emilia started to crawl - but like a little worm. She would put her hands forward and lift her tummy and bum and then fall, moving inches at a time. That was the first time she really crawled forward, besides a few occasions when she was "belly-crawling". In the evening of the same day, after her birthday party, she did something more advanced. She lifted up her torso, got on her knees and then rocked back and forth a bit then moved forward. I don't know what suddenly made her realize that she had to get on her knees and move her hands forward. I know she is not yet able to coordinate her left & right hands and legs but doing this much is already very impressive, to my standards at least! She's 9 months old corrected so I really don't think she is too far behind in terms of her motor skills.

1st Birthday Party

So, finally, we had Emilia's first birthday celebration on Sunday. I think it was a good party but of course there are few things we missed - like video recording the event and a nice formal picture of Emilia at the head table. Well, it's all in our memory so we will have to verbally pass down the story to Emilia instead of showing her the whole video of it.

As for the Doljabi, she picked MONEY. It's funny, because at home, when I tried a mock Doljabi, she chose Pencils 4 times out of 5. For some reason, for the real Doljabi, the little purse attracted her and she chose money. So, she will hopefully live a wealthy life. : )

We had 36 guests including 6 babies and toddlers in a small banquet room at a Korean restaurant. It wasn't a huge party compared to other Korean 1st birthday parties but we were so grateful this many friends came to see  Emilia.

I don't have too many pictures of her.... but here are a few. By the way, she was such a trooper. During the 3 hour party, she didn't cry at all. Didn't fuss. She was in the arms of so many different people. She seemed to enjoy the time too. She really was a good baby!