Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 5 Update

Tomorrow, Emilia will be 5 weeks old. Yes, her stay in the NICU is agonizingly long but at the same time, the time has gone fast in retrospect. I hope time just flies by for the rest of her hospital stay.

She now weighs 1.2 Kg. I am not sure about her length - probably the same.
She is on full feeds - 16 ml of milk every two hours. On average I make about 750 ml of milk each day, so I am still way ahead of her. My freezer at home is full and so is my bin the NICU freezer.

She is still on Biphasic CPAP. She has been doing really well on Biphasic. Much much better than when she was on the ventilator. She is getting 26-30% O2. Hopefully we can wean and approach the room air (21%). However she seems to have gotten a bit tired today. Her breathing pattern looked a bit irregular and also her O2 saturation was swinging so often, between 99% and 69%. She has had very few spells past 5 days.

I put some black and white pictures on her incubator walls so that she can look at them when she opens her eyes. Apparently simple geometric designs in black and white are the best at her gestation.

She's been sleeping a lot lately. But I can't complain because that's what she was supposed to be doing any way. Also the brain develops in the deep sleep state so I try not to disturb her too much when she's asleep.

Her cranial ultrasound result was not too great but Mommy and Daddy are not too worried about it. We are hopeful... and are ready to overcome any obstacle that comes with problems of her premature birth. We are happy that she's healthy and she is with us.

Looking at her through the incubator used to break my heart at first but now I am enjoying every moment with her. I hold her hand, take her temperature, do her diapers, wash her face, and take lots of pictures.

OH, we finally registered her birth. One month after her birth date. Her full name is Emilia Kaylyn Lee. She also has a Korean name too (예지, named by her paternal grandfather).

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