Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Some recent photos and a video!
Update (that is long overdue)
Emilia's bed time is around 7 pm, which gives me only about a 2 hour window to get out of the office and pick her up, make dinner, play with her, bathe her, read stories, and put her down in the crib. The good thing about early bedtime is I get to have some quiet, free time to myself after 7:30pm.
She really enjoys the day care. I can see that she likes the care provider and the other kids. These days, even after we get ready to leave the day care centre, she often goes back to play with the toys or other babies.
She does not walk yet, although she cruises and stands unsupported. She is now 14 months corrected so I try not to be concerned but I often wish she could walk so that I don't need to carry her when we are outside. She weighs over 25 pounds and is getting too heavy for me. She walks well when I hold her hands.
These days she does not spend much time playing with her toys. Her biggest interest is observing what grown-ups do and imitating the actions. For example, she like combing her hair in the morning while I blow dry my hair. When I put on make-up, she also picks up a body lotion tube and pretends she squeezes cream out of it and rub it on her face. She likes to open drawers and take everything out just to put it back in the drawer and close it. It is amazing how fast babies pick up and mimic. Also watch this video of her playing in the kitchen.
Since starting the day care, she's been having a runny nose, almost non-stop for two and a half months. I am really tired of seeing her with a constant runny nose (yellow, gooey stuff0. Her upper respiratory system is a little bit congested as well. We took her to her doctor but he was not half concerned. He said it's a very typical story of a baby who just started day care. We are visiting again next Thursday for immunization, so I will ask him to listen to her chest. I cannot understand how she can be sick coninuously for over 2 months - shouldn't her immune system start working by now?
Saturday, September 29, 2012
BONUS: Funny poses
Almost 13 months: Update
Whatever the reason, she is able to take only 1 nap at the day care and that makes her extremely tired by the time I pick her up (around 5:20pm). As soon as we arrive home, I start cooking dinner for her (again, no time to play with her) and as soon as her dinner is done, I need to bathe her and by 7:15pm, she's zonked out. I decided to cook batches of food and freeze, so that I can have more quality time with her during the week. I don't want to spend the evening in the kitchen while she clings on my legs and wants to play with me.
She does not walk yet. In fact, it seems to have regressed. About a month ago, she was walking assisted. Now when I hold her hands and try to walk her, she just sits down right away. Doesn't even want to take a step with me. However she loves standing up (holding on something), cruising, and doing a downward dog pose. She LOVES crawling on the stairs, up and down. She does it so flawlessly. She literally spends the whole day climbing up and down the staircase. All of these, but not walking. Why...? It beats me.
She seems to have grown taller, although every time we measure her thinking she has grown, her height is exactly the same as the last. Her weight has been stuck at 10.8-10.9kg. Just above 24 lb. but does not go over that mark. She has 3 molars breaking in now, so that makes a total of 9 teeth. We didn't even know her molars were coming in. She has always been quite easy with teething.
The day care takes some pictures of her for me (I leave a digital camera with them for the day).
Here are a few from last few weeks.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Emilia is now 1 year old corrected
Check out how she crawls up stairs (taken a while ago,so she does it much faster now)
Day care!
It is sad to leave my darling with someone else all day long but surprisingly she is doing very well. Aside from not being able to nap very long, she eats and plays well. She is very sociable and does not have stranger anxiety (yet). She's such a trooper and I am so proud of her.
I asked the teacher in the infant room to take some pictures of Emilia during the day. Here are some:
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
12 month follow up clinic
Growth-wise, she's above average in head circumference, length, and of course weight! Yesterday's measurements showed 47cm of HC, 75.5cm of length, and 10.9kg of weight.
After the clinic, we visited the NICU and said hello to her nurses. Her primary nurse Tina was on day shift fortunately so she and Emilia got to cuddle too.
A side note... my husband and I must have put our NICU memory waaaayyy back in our mind because 1) my husband couldn't even find the entrance to the parking lot where we used to park almost every single day of our 142 days in NICU, and 2) I pressed 6th floor on the elevetor and actually got off to realize it was a wrong floor. How could I forget the 7th floor!!?? I was in "7 South" for a week before Emilia was born. (7 South is the ward for preterm risk pregnancies)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Pulling to stand
Sunday, August 12, 2012
My baby's independence... sorry, it's not so welcome
By the way, she can eat the whole kid's breakfast served at Ikea restaurant, minus some little pieces dropped on the floor. One full dollar worth of food, with 2 pancakes and scrambled eggs. Incredible.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
This week in action
Emilia can crawl very fast now. She also started to kneel and reach for things that used to be too high up and out of reach. She can change position from crawling to sitting. She is becoming more and more interested in the surroundings.... like the spice pantry, the dishwasher, and the refrigerator. She likes looking out the back yard too.
A friend told me that babies this age amaze you with a new trick every day and it really is true.
She is becoming quite clever too.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Emilia... doing all kinds of things!
Clearly she remembers the things I show her and also understands the words when I tell her to do those.
I have been naming and showing her gestures, like clapping hands, lifting arms for hurray, opening/fisting a hand (a Korean thing called "jam jam"), etc. Even if she doesn't immediately mimic my gestures, she seems to process the information and keeps the piece of information in her brain. For example, I have been showing her "jam jam" for some time but she never repeated the gestures I showed her. She just watched me and that was all. One day, without showing her the actions, I just said the words only, and she showed me the correct actions for those words.
It's amazing what babies learn and do...!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Peeling skin on soles of feet
Crawling - recent development
Emilia is able to crawl a bit faster these days. Her crawling is getting better and faster each day. She is much faster when there is an object lying on the floor that she really wants to get her hands on (and usuaully it's something she is not supposed to have).
These days she doesn't play with toys much. For the better part of the day, she just roams around the whole floor, including the kitchen where she tries to pull out the drawers if she can reach the knobs. Luckily for me, the drawers are still too heavy for her to pull out. She loves the dishwasher and the wall oven, I guess, because they are shiny and she sees a distored and blurry reflection of herself, which must be quite interesting for her.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Honk honk!
Emilia got a brand new pink buggy! She loves riding it. She figured out the horn on the wheel too and kept honking while we went for a spin around the neighbourhood. The downside of this buggy is that it does not have a shade but at the same time having no canopy/shade allows Emilia to really look around and enjoy the view. She loved watching dogs (walking with their owners) this morning.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Preemie vs Micro-Preemie
The guest speaker was a couple whose baby was in the NICU for a LONG time (and who knew Emilia would be staying there as long). The mom had an emergency c-section and sadly lost a twin. I believe their babies were somewhere around 23-24 weeks. At that time, I remember them saying that people generally didn't understand what it was like to have a "micro-preemie". People's concept of a preemie was a 32 or 34 weeker who didn't need any respiratory assistance and had to just "feed and grow" for a couple of weeks in the NICU before going home.
I could understand what they meant by that. Those 32,33 weekers who freshly arrived in the NICU looked like giants compared to some babies in the unit. True, they were still 8 weeks early... But those babies usually got transferred out or discharged so soon. I guess that couple was frustrated by those people who, after a 3 week stay in NICU, assumed they knew what the couple was going through.
I am a member of an online preemie parent forum and I understand the couple's feelings. I read a lot of posts written by moms who had a 30-something week baby and stayed in NICU for 2-3 weeks and they announce with such pride that their babies have caught up with term babies by 6 months of age. They have met all the milestones on time and their growth is on target, or above average... I understand that they also had trauma and anxiety when their babies were born early and their pregnacy ended abruptly. However I cannot relate 100% to their experience, because as a mom to a 25 weeker, I feel a 34 weeker is almost expected to grow up "normally." Do they know that some babies need physiotherapy and occupational therapy? Do they know some babies are still on oxygen support even at home?
I do realize that I sometimes discount their experience just because I had to endure almost 5 month stay in NICU. I do discount their feelings because Emilia had a lot more health complications than their babies. And it's wrong, I know, because I really don't know what they went through. I don't know them and I don't know their circumstances. Perhaps they have other complicating matters that I do not know of.
I did join a "micro-preemie" online support group. I thought perhaps this is the group where I could exchange information more relevant to Emilia's situation. However, I felt we didn't belong there either. I did not realize that there were so many babies who still needed feeding tubes into toddler years. I did not know there were lots of preemies still who needed physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy even when they started kindergarten. Compared to them, Emilia seems to be have no problems at all. We have our own set of challenges but to them, I probably sound like the 34 weeker mom I came to hate. It was a humbling experience, I would say. I was so grateful that Emilia was everything she was.
So, right now, I am a member of both communities but have not actively participated. I do agree with micro preemies moms' need for a distinction between a regular preemie and a micro-preemie, because not all preemies will go home after a month and catch up with term babies by 6 months of age. Not all preemies "just needed a feeding tube" during their NICU stay.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Some development past few days
Another development is Emilia started crawling on her knees and hands. Just a few steps at a time for now but I know she will be crawling like a pro before I know it.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
I am worried that she might have spread this to other babies at the day care when we were visiting on Thursday. I had no idea she was sick because there is no visible symptom during the incubation period. I hope Emilia will overcome this one and get stronger.
Thank God it is the long weekend and daddy's home taking care of her. I don't know if I could have stayed sane seeing Emilia so miserable and crying almost all day long.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Teething fever??
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Finally broke 10 kg mark
It took such a looooong time to step up from the 9 kg to 10 kg. I know at this stage, growth starts to taper off but I feel like she was in the 9 kg range forever. Yesterday she finally weighed 22lb (10 kg). It might drop back by few hundred grams today because she didn't poop yestrday but had a big one this morning. : )
She still loves eating but since she started crawling, she's moving constantly so she might even slim down a bit next few months!
(picture: she is trying to eat the plate after she finished 1/2 of a banana)
Monday, June 18, 2012
Falling asleep while eating
Emilia falling asleep while eating corn.
She wanted to continue eating even as her eye lids were too heavy to keep up.
By the way she has only one tooth but still loves biting/eating corn on cob. She actually manages to eat some off of it.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Rash has almost disappeared
Well... Finally the rash on Emilia's face and body has almost disappeared. I can still see faint marks on her face but I am sure they are not permanent.
Nobody I have spoken with has experienced this type of reaction to the MMR vaccine. I guess it is one more thing to add to the list of unusual things Emilia decided to do, including the neonatal tooth.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Fever and rash after MMR shot

Emilia had a moderate to high fever last 4 days. It started 6 days after her 12 month immunization. Her doctor had told me about 10-15% of babies experience a fever or rashes after the MMR shot but I didn't expect to see 39.5degrees on the thermometer. Emilia was feeling really miserable (and irritable). She didn't sleep well either and that made all three of us sleep deprived over the weekend. Fortunately this morning the fever is gone and she is happily babbling "mamamama bambamba." but now she has developed rashes on her face and body!! So much for a vaccine...
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Emilia finally learns to crawl
1st Birthday Party
As for the Doljabi, she picked MONEY. It's funny, because at home, when I tried a mock Doljabi, she chose Pencils 4 times out of 5. For some reason, for the real Doljabi, the little purse attracted her and she chose money. So, she will hopefully live a wealthy life. : )
We had 36 guests including 6 babies and toddlers in a small banquet room at a Korean restaurant. It wasn't a huge party compared to other Korean 1st birthday parties but we were so grateful this many friends came to see Emilia.
I don't have too many pictures of her.... but here are a few. By the way, she was such a trooper. During the 3 hour party, she didn't cry at all. Didn't fuss. She was in the arms of so many different people. She seemed to enjoy the time too. She really was a good baby!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Mmmmm. Tasty magazine!
Well. I know we haven't baby-proofed the house because Emilia is not exactly crawling yet but I have to now remember not to leave things on the floor within her reach. She can turn 360 degrees so fast and also belly crawl inches forward and backward. Well... This morning I was reading a magazine beside her playmat and then went to the bathroom leaving the magazine behind me without even thinking. While in the bathroom, I heard the sound of paper being ripped, and when I ran back to her, she had already ripped out a page and eaten a part of it. I could see the paper all wet and crumpled, partly dissolved in her mouth but when I tried to make her spit it out, she wouldn't let it go.
Was she that starving??
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Emilia turned one year old today!
We are so grateful that Emilia has been incredibly healthy despite her rough start in life.
She weighs over 9.5kg and is about 70cm tall. What a transformation from a tiny 870g baby.
Happy birthday, Emilia!
(And the official party will be this Sunday with lots of family and friends)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"Trying" to crawl
Recently I noitce she tries to crawl when she's on her tummy. Not really crawl but you know belly-crawl. Sometimes she would do commando-crawl too. When she tries to crawl, she ends up moving backward but people tell me that is what they do at the beginning. She would keep sliding backward, intentionally or unintentionally, and yesterday she ended up under the chest of drawers in her room. It was funny how she was looking at me under the furniture.
Open wide~
She opens her mouth really wide, sometimes with her eyes squeezed shut because she opens her mouth so big.
(I thought I published this video more than a week ago... had no idea it was still in Draft)
This time last year
Like so many moms of preemies, I keep saying my child's birth is a bittersweet memory and it truly is.
On May 25 last year, I went into have my second trimester anatomy ultrasound and then found that I was dilated and was sent to the hospital. My OB/GYN was on call in L&D at North York General at the time. After she checked me, she declared I was 3cm dilated and had to be on bed rest thereafter. However, because NYG didn't have Level 3 NICU, they were going to transfer me to the next available hospital with Level 3 NICU. There are three Level 3 NICUs in the city but only two of them have L&D (the third one is Sick Kids Hospital). If not available in Toronto, they would transport me to any hospital in Ontario and as far as Buffalo. Now looking back, I was so fortunate that a bed space at Mount Sinai Hospital freed up the next day. It's one of the best hospitals and it's downtown, only 5 minute walk from my husband's office.
Well, I was on bed rest only for 6 days. At least I passed the 24 week mark. I was praying I would be able to make it to 28 weeks but I couldn't even make it 26 weeks. And the rest is history.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Finger Food
I introduced Emilia some finger foods to encourage self-feeding. So far she's been quite successful. Some of the best finger foods she had: English muffin (strips), Baby Mum-Mums, Nutrios, and steamed carrot strips. I tried pear, banana, avocado, and some other veggies but they were not good. Not that she didn't want to eat but either they were too mushy and slippery for her to hold or they kind of went limp (bent) or broke in pieces so she had a hard time putting them into her mouth.
Lots of food end up being on the floor but I am trying to not worry about it. The baby is supposed to learn it that way, I read. Sigh.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
8 months corrected
Emilia is 8 months corrected and 11 months and a week old actual. Yup it has been almost a year since the bitter sweet day she was born.
We went to the 8-month follow up clinic on May 3 and got to visit the NICU to say hello.Luckily one of her primary nurses was on duty this time. She was holding Emilia and pinching her chubby cheeks.
There was a family of a 25 weeker whose birth weight was about the same as Emilia's. They came to peek at Emilia and were amazed to see a "normal" looking baby. I once was in their shoes. I remember seeing a former 24 weeker being discharged and he was HUGE compared to all the babies around us. That gave us some hope in knowing that ours would one day grow and come home too.
The follow-up clinic told us Emilia needs to work on her ab muscles. Strengthening those muscles will better enable her to crawl. Emilia does not get onto her knees when reaching over while seated. She just bends her back, which doesn't help her to get into a crawling position. Other than that she was progressing nicely.
I need to work on transitional poses/movements: sitting up from the lying down, lying down from sitting, side sitting to crawling, etc. We had a visit by Early Intervention this morning and the EI does not think there is any sign that warrants physiotherapy right now. She was very content with Emilia's progress. I don't know if I should be content also or push for physio. We will have to watch how she develops in the next month so that we can resume the therapy before she falls too far behind.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Emilia, on the piano
Few days ago when we visited her grandparents (my parents) she saw a piano for the first time. I let her play on it and she was amazed that it was making sound every time she hit it, and then finally this is what she ended up doing.
I don't own a piano, as I don't know how to play (I can play very very basic songs as I took lessons when I was in Gr. 2 or 3). I always wanted Emilia to take music lessons - likely piano or guitar, so I am now considering buying a digital piano. I know it's still early for her to learn but I just want her to have fun and get familiar with it.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Just an update
#1.I honestly looked away just for 2 seconds and this is what she did with her snack.
She was licking the bowl when I saw her. I guess she couldn't wait for me to spoon it into her mouth.
#2. Now she wants to take her bath sitting up. She used to love lying down in the tub and kicking her feet in the water but now she likes sitting and playing with the duckies.
This is her after tasting apple juice for the first time. Obviously she didn't quite like it.
#4. I made a tutu for her yesterday and today I took some pictures. Here is one of them.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sleep regression is back
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Rolling all around the floor
Friday, April 6, 2012
Searching for a Day Care
My mat leave is over at the end of next month but I decided to take a leave until Emilia is one year old corrected. I've got only 5 months left to be with Emilia at home all day long. I know eventually I am going to send her to preschool programs and then school but I feel so reluctant and anxious about leaving Emilia with others. I am convincing myself and my husband that she will probably benefit from interacting with her peers.
Any way suddenly realizing I got only 5 months, I started contacting some nurseries around my house in panic last week. Thank God I live only 13 minutes away from work because it narrows down my search area and I have found 3 centres. I have visited one of them (it was so-so) and I will tour another one next Monday. The third said they didn't have an open space for September so I decided to skip the tour.
Our main concern with sending her to a day care is 1) she will now get sick really often and 2) if she turns out to be delayed, she might be left out by kids and teachers. I am willing to even sacrifice my career for Emilia's well-being but honestly making her stay at home with me all day everyday cannot be too good for her.
Only 5 months left to enjoy our lazy days together... I will enjoy and appreciate every day of it.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Finally something has emerged....
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Emilia is 10 months old (actual)
Emilia is already 10 months old... though in adjusted age, she is 6 months and 3 weeks. She hasn't gained much weight past ten days or so but today she finally passed the 19 lb mark. I have so much pain in joints - knees especially - from scooping her up from the floor all the time. Now that I am washing her bum in the bathtub whenever she poops (5 times a day, that is), it's more straining on my back and legs.
She's already outgrown size 12 months pants. Lengthwise she's just average but her waist (or her belly) may be too large for age. Yes, she has a pot belly like a middle aged man. Clothes are not the only things she outgrew. She got a new car seat too because the infant car seat was too tight around her shoulders.
She can now sit on the floor for a long time with more stability. This has enabled her to enjoy her toys more and to have a better view of the world around her.
She loves shaking and banging her toys and has learned to spin some of them but best of all, she loves sticking out her tongue to feel them. She's been putting anything and everything in her mouth and has been drooling non-stop. I still can't feel anything on her gumline but the way she's biting and drooling looks like she's ready to cut a tooth pretty soon. (Mind you, it won't be her first tooth since she already had her first tooth (neonatal tooth) when she was in NICU)
Her hands are pretty good at finding her mouth now - she can feed herself mango and milk in a sippy cup (though I need to help her tilt her head back). She can now pick up a soother and put it in her mouth... Ahh, the joy of not having to pick it up for her everytime she spit it out.
Check out the videos below for what she's been up to lately.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Early Intervention service screening
The PT assessed her and said Emilia was at where she should be as a 6 month old baby. She was not concerned about her progress and informed me that we didn't need any service except the EI itself, which would continue to follow Emilia on a regular basis. I wasn't sure whether I should be happy that Emilia is doing well or upset that we didn't qualify for the "free" program. All in all, I knew it was great news that Emilia was doing well: sitting and playing with toys by herself for an extended period of time, strong grips, good muscle tones, etc.
So, one less thing in my calendar that used to be filled with all these appointments with various health care providers: physiotherapist, home nurse, respiratory clinic, RSV clinic, etc. etc. Now all of these are done with! For now, at least.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Emilia rolled over from tummy to back
Any way, she did finally roll over from tummy to back, whether accidentally or not. Maybe she will "get it" in the next few days. How exciting!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Emilia's reaction to steamed pear
This is the first time I have ever seen her making a funny face and refusing to eat. So, after all, there is something even Emilia doesn't want to eat and it's steamed pear.
I tasted it myself and I found it sweet at first but a teeny tiny bit of sour taste at the end, and Emilia must have felt really strange tasting something sour for the first time.
Emilia visits Niagara Falls!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Emilia is 6 months old, adjusted
I think she just went through a growth spurt this past month. I had to empty her wardrobe and fill it with bigger clothes. When I first received clothes gifts from family and friends, I wondered if Emilia would ever grow big enough to fit into those clothes, but oh boy, babies do grow fast. Accoding to her ped doctor, Emilia has caught up with babies her actual age and we don't need to adjust her age on the growth chart any more.
So, some of her stats:
Weight: 8.16kg (almost 18 pounds)
Length: 67cm (26.3 inches)
Head Circumference: 44cm (17.3 inches)
Developmentally, she might not be exactly at where she is supposed to be but she's now rolling over effortlessly (but still only from back to tummy) and she is sitting up for few minutes at a time. She clasps her hands, grabs at things, babbles, laughs and smiles. Eventually things will come along and hopefully there won't be a need to adjust her age any more... I know that's still far far away - they say usually after age 2, their age won't need to be adjusted.
Here are some photos I took of her for her 6 month milestone: