Emilia's length is about 59cm. Her weight is just under 6kg (13 lb). She has gained 1 kg (2.2 lb) since she came home 1 month ago.
She now wants to be picked up and held all the time. She doesn't go to sleep unless she's held. There was a time when she happily fell sleep after eating, but now she gets cranky and cries when she's sleepy. She has a lot of cat naps during the day.
Emilia now plays with her hands. She started to lift her hands and bring them to her eyes, nose, and mouth. She is not yet holding her toys but her hands are reaching out and brushing against them. I would say she's "learning" about her hands now.
And I know nobody will believe us but she said "mama." Yeah, I know she wasn't actually calling me but she said something very very close to "mama" when she and I were having some convesation. A very touching and emotional moment even though I know she was just cooing.
Pictures from Nov 22
*She kind of looks like me when I was a baby... but everyone agrees on that she looks like her daddy*
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