Emilia now weighs over 11 lb (over 5 kg). She has grown a lot since she came home. I think she has adjusted to her home really well and quickly. She sleeps well at night (sometimes sleeping through night) and eats and plays well during the day.
All her life so far, her living space was limited to her bed space area in the hospital, in the same crib and around the same walls. Now she gets to move from one room to another. I deliberately let her spend the day time in the nursery, late afternoon in the living room and the sleeping time in the master bedroom (where her crib is). I want to take her out for a stroll in the backyard and the neighbourhood but this past week's weather was just too awful - either rainy or freezing cold for her. Unfortunately the weather will not get any warmer than this next several months.
She focuses her eyes more now. She actually looks at mommy and daddy. She now even looks at the toys hanging on her bouncy chair and looks intently into the mirror I put in her room. So far she seems to meet her milestones, for a 7 week old baby. I have to continue to give her lots of tummy time and hand exercises but it's so hard to find the time that she is awake AND calm/playful.
We need to go back to her paediatrician this coming Monday. Last Monday's appointment was cut short because the doctor apparently was having a very busy day because it was a PA Day in the local school board. He told us to come back another day for a full checkup. I was so disappointed in him - he should have seen that it was not easy for us to travel to his office with Emilia, with her oxygen cylinder and oxygen saturation monitor. It took two adults to take her to the doctor's office! He was just too insensitive, I guess. Perhaps I should've expressed my disappointment at the time but somehow I felt I should reserve it to myself as I don't want my baby's care to be affected (and it was the first time we met him). Let's see how the 2nd appointment goes.
(This week's pictures to follow in a separate post...)
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