Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Emilia is 90 days old

Yes, she is already 90 days old. In gestation, she's 38 weeks and 5 days.
She is a term baby now, but of course, she is not exactly like a term baby yet. She still needs supplemental oxygen. We are breastfeeding 3 times a day. Her reflux problems have improved past few days. No spell or oxygen desaturation today, which is a good sign. She weighs 3.18Kg. That is almost 7 lbs.

The doctors are telling me she will likely come home on oxygen. I don't mind bringing her home with an oxygen tank if that is what she needs but I am upset because the doctors have already decided that she will need supplemental oxygen even before trying to wean. She needed about 40 cc/minute of oxygen but because of her reflux problems and spells, the doctor ordered to keep her at 75 cc/minute of oxygen last week. And on the weekend, the doctor ordered to keep her at 125 cc/minute because "that is the minimum setting for home oxygen and she will be going home with home oxygen". I wonder how they determine which baby will go home with oxygen and which one will not. For a baby like Emilia who needs just a little bit of supplemental oxygen, why wouldn't they give her time and chance to be off low flow? Why would they choose to pump in more oxygen than she needs and tell me to take her home on an oxygen tank? I tried to talk about this with a few different doctors and I still haven't got a clear explanation.

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